One thing about me is that I love getting things in the post. So, this year, I vowed to gain a pen-pal. I found the most amazing and creative solution.

M’collegue, Jemma, and I have recently started something called the ‘Journalthing’. It is just your ordinary, A5, hardback notebook, sent by post from one of us to the other, adding a new entry each time. There’s no real theme or rules when it comes to the Journalthing, we just write, draw and compose a few pages of our thoughts then return to sender, so to speak.

We shall adorn it’s plain, purple cover over time, and the additions to the inside cover shown below can give some indication as to how it will turn out.


Jemma's handiwork on the left, and my own on the right.
Jemma is the boudacious blonde and I am the green-haired goddess in both instances.

So far the Journathing has featured:

From myself

-a typewritten note

-a Streetwalker!Cathal centrefold

-a rendition of JohnJacobJingleHeimerSmith

-and quotes

From Jemma

-a proclamation of love to me

-a claim that she is a lizard [in caps]

-a poem about Tribbles

-and a picture of AdventureTime!Matt and his Expensive Cardigan.

Along with other


From what I see, this venture can only go very well, especially seeing as we are planning to spend time in both London and Austria together this summer. There shall be future updates as to the progress of, and additions to, the Journalthing.

Nos da~